Saint John Harbour State of Knowledge Please select something to search for. Any Words All Words Exact Phrase Region All Regions Black Point Harbour East Harbour West Inner Harbour Kennebecasis Marsh Creek/Courtenay Bay Musquash Outer Harbour/Bay of Fundy Tributaries Various Locations Wolastoq/Saint John River Category All Categories Anthropogenic Effects Birds Environmental Concerns Fish Fish - Ichthyoplankton Flora Invertebrates Invertebrates - Zooplankton Key Habitats Macroalgae Marine Mammals Phytoplankton Reptiles and Amphibians Sediment Properties Water Movement Water Properties Total Records Found: 1674, showing 50 per page Extended Citation ACCDC, 2012 (Appendix F In: CBCL Limited. (2015). PotashCorp Marine Terminal Expansion Environmental Impact Assessment. Retrieved from: ACCDC, 2012 (Appendix F In: CBCL Limited. (2015). PotashCorp Marine Terminal Expansion Environmental Impact Assessment. Retrieved from: ACCDC, 2012 (Appendix F In: CBCL Limited. (2015). PotashCorp Marine Terminal Expansion Environmental Impact Assessment. Retrieved from: ACCDC, 2012 (Appendix F In: CBCL Limited. (2015). PotashCorp Marine Terminal Expansion Environmental Impact Assessment. Retrieved from: ACCDC, 2012 (Appendix F In: CBCL Limited. (2015). PotashCorp Marine Terminal Expansion Environmental Impact Assessment. Retrieved from: ACCDC, 2012 (Appendix F In: CBCL Limited. (2015). PotashCorp Marine Terminal Expansion Environmental Impact Assessment. Retrieved from: ACCDC, 2012 (Appendix F In: CBCL Limited. (2015). PotashCorp Marine Terminal Expansion Environmental Impact Assessment. Retrieved from: ACCDC, 2012 (Appendix F In: CBCL Limited. (2015). PotashCorp Marine Terminal Expansion Environmental Impact Assessment. Retrieved from: ACCDC, 2012 (Appendix F In: CBCL Limited. (2015). PotashCorp Marine Terminal Expansion Environmental Impact Assessment. Retrieved from: ACCDC, 2012 (Appendix F In: CBCL Limited. (2015). PotashCorp Marine Terminal Expansion Environmental Impact Assessment. Retrieved from: ACCDC, 2012 (Appendix F In: CBCL Limited. (2015). PotashCorp Marine Terminal Expansion Environmental Impact Assessment. Retrieved from: ACCDC, 2012 (Appendix F In: CBCL Limited. (2015). PotashCorp Marine Terminal Expansion Environmental Impact Assessment. Retrieved from: ACCDC, 2012 (Appendix F In: CBCL Limited. (2015). PotashCorp Marine Terminal Expansion Environmental Impact Assessment. Retrieved from: Aieta, A.E., and Oliveira, K. (2009). Distribution, prevalence, and intensity of the swim bladder parasite Anguillicola crassus in New England and eastern Canada. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 84: 229-235. Andrews, S. N., Linnansaari, T., Curry, R. A., & Dadswell, M. J. (2017). The misunderstood striped bass of the Saint John River, New Brunswick: Past, present, and future. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 37(1), 235-254. Andrews, S. N., Linnansaari, T., Curry, R. A., & Dadswell, M. J. (2017). The misunderstood striped bass of the Saint John River, New Brunswick: Past, present, and future. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 37(1), 235-254. Arens, C. (2007). Nearshore fish community structure in the southwest Bay of Fundy and northwest Atlantic: comparing assemblages across multiple spatial and temporal scales. M.Sc. Thesis, University of New Brunswick, Biology, Saint John, NB. Arens, C. (2007). Nearshore fish community structure in the southwest Bay of Fundy and northwest Atlantic: comparing assemblages across multiple spatial and temporal scales. M.Sc. Thesis, University of New Brunswick, Biology, Saint John, NB. Arens, C. (2007). Nearshore fish community structure in the southwest Bay of Fundy and northwest Atlantic: comparing assemblages across multiple spatial and temporal scales. M.Sc. Thesis, University of New Brunswick, Biology, Saint John, NB. Arens, C. (2007). Nearshore fish community structure in the southwest Bay of Fundy and northwest Atlantic: comparing assemblages across multiple spatial and temporal scales. M.Sc. Thesis, University of New Brunswick, Biology, Saint John, NB. Arens, C. (2007). Nearshore fish community structure in the southwest Bay of Fundy and northwest Atlantic: comparing assemblages across multiple spatial and temporal scales. M.Sc. Thesis, University of New Brunswick, Biology, Saint John, NB. Arens, C. (2007). Nearshore fish community structure in the southwest Bay of Fundy and northwest Atlantic: comparing assemblages across multiple spatial and temporal scales. M.Sc. Thesis, University of New Brunswick, Biology, Saint John, NB. Arens, C. (2007). Nearshore fish community structure in the southwest Bay of Fundy and northwest Atlantic: comparing assemblages across multiple spatial and temporal scales. M.Sc. Thesis, University of New Brunswick, Biology, Saint John, NB. Arens, C. (2007). Nearshore fish community structure in the southwest Bay of Fundy and northwest Atlantic: comparing assemblages across multiple spatial and temporal scales. M.Sc. Thesis, University of New Brunswick, Biology, Saint John, NB. Arens, C. (2007). Nearshore fish community structure in the southwest Bay of Fundy and northwest Atlantic: comparing assemblages across multiple spatial and temporal scales. M.Sc. Thesis, University of New Brunswick, Biology, Saint John, NB. Retrieved fro Arens, C. (2007). Nearshore fish community structure in the southwest Bay of Fundy and northwest Atlantic: comparing assemblages across multiple spatial and temporal scales. M.Sc. Thesis, University of New Brunswick, Biology, Saint John, NB. Retrieved fro Arens, C. (2007). Nearshore fish community structure in the southwest Bay of Fundy and northwest Atlantic: comparing assemblages across multiple spatial and temporal scales. M.Sc. Thesis, University of New Brunswick, Biology, Saint John, NB. Retrieved fro Arens, C. (2007). Nearshore fish community structure in the southwest Bay of Fundy and northwest Atlantic: comparing assemblages across multiple spatial and temporal scales. M.Sc. Thesis, University of New Brunswick, Biology, Saint John, NB. Retrieved fro Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. (2018). (Data of rare species found within the Baseline study area provided in excel spreadsheets) 1 2345